Learn English "Clause"

Diracik oleh Unknown | Label: | Pada Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011 pukul 00.00

Clause is group of word which have subject and predicate
There are 2 kinds of clauses
1.       Main clause/independent clause
It is a group of word which has subject and predicate and it has complete meaning.
·         We drink coffee.
·         She sleeps.
·         They play football.
·         He studies English.
·         She has finished washing.
·         They went school.
·         My sister brings a book.
·         Indonesia is a big country.
·         andi sweep the floor.
·         My father bought  a car

2.       Subordinate clause/dependent clause
It is a group of word which has subject and predicate but it has not complete  meaning / it depend on other word (main clause)
·         I will come if you come.
·         She will go if you invite her.
·         When he studied, his sister was very noisy.
·         She was crying when he stole her ice cream.
·         He is the man who hit my friend.
·         He is my friend who ever be jailed.
·         I know she is beautiful
·         I know who slept
·         It is the place where he was felt down.
·         I slept when you come.


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